Meet Renee the Pyrographer

Artist Bio
Renee self-taught herself pyrography back in 2018 when she picked up an old woodburner and never looked back. Her art journey has been full of exploration and happy accidents since she loves to try new techniques, color media, and styles. David and Renée got married during COVID in 2021 and took their business “It’s David and Renée” full time in 2022. They live in New Cumberland, PA and have two doodle mixes, Jack and Shiloh.
Artist Statement
I experiment with all kinds of media in my mixed-media pyrography, but my favorites are watercolors and glitter. I draw inspiration from closely observing nature, mushrooms, bugs, flowers, colors, etc. and taking in all of the details and senses. Spending quiet time on the trail or in the garden absolutely fuels my fire, especially with my camera in hand.
About My Art

I am a mixed-media (2D) pyrography artist. My art expression is unique because I am not a pyrography purist. In the pyrography world, there is a deep divide between those who add color to their woodburnings and those who don't. The issue is that pyrography purists don't think color belongs in pyrography and that pyrography should *just* be the black and white burn, and this, in my humble opinion, is wrong. Using color as an element to your pyrography doesn't void your art of being art. It's still woodburned, right? Case closed, the end. Using color in pyrography is just another expression of pyrography and doesn't make it right or wrong- it is simply just an expression! Adding color means your woodburning is now mixed-media pyrography, especially when you start using multiple medias, like me! I use watercolors, gouache, acrylics, gel pens, various kinds of color pencils, glitter, etc.
Color is part of my expression and how I see the world, so of course it's a huge element of my work. I choose my color palettes with color theory based on the wood canvas I'm using (which colors will pop, which colors will blend in, etc.), the subject itself, and the "vibe" I'm going for. I balance details of the wood grain, the kind of wood, the boldness of my lines, the style of which I burn, the colors I use- literally everything- into my work.
About My Inspiration
As an amateur naturalist, I love to bring my latest nature fascinations into focus through my art, whether that be the vibrant colors found in nature, the ecosystem of PA’s state parks or what I experienced on a hike, seasonal wildflowers, bugs, birds, trees, mushrooms, you name it.
I find nature's details and mysteries fascinating on both a micro and macro scale and I am in my true happy place when I'm outside with my camera, whether that be in the garden, at the park, on the trail, or even my own front yard. Photography is a side hobby of mine, and this lends itself well to my art process because I photograph lots of my own reference photos. I love zooming in on a fritillary on a zinnia or a dark-eyed junco in the boneset. Capturing these tiny moments in these tiny worlds fascinates me to no end.
Fun fact: Sometimes in nice weather I'll sit outside for hours listening to the dusk chorus of birds and bugs when the sun is going down and I like to stay out until the local bats from my neighbor's hedgerow take off for the evening. They dance above our yard, catching insects and occasionally make little "chit" sounds. They're so cool. I sit there in my blissful peace and quiet until my campfire dies out and no daylight is left.